
Sound Machine Operation System for Three Tracks

Based on the priniple the operation system of single track, combining three types of ecoacoustic sound(Anthrophony (1.audience clap 2.baby crying 3.clock ticking 4.coffee machine 5.crowd talking 6.laugh 7.old machine 8.type keyboard) Biophony (1.bees 2.bird 3.cricket chirp 4.dog 5.dragonfly 6.grillos 7.mosquito 8.type keyboard) keyboard) Biophony (1.bees 2.bird 3.cricket chirp 4.dog 5.dragonfly 6.grillos 7.mosquito 8.type keyboard); Geophony (1.earthquake 2.fire 3.lava 4. ocean waves), so that the sound machine system has been developed

